NEBRASKA Pre-Vet is the place to begin

A greyhound licking a smiling vet's face

A career in veterinary medicine might be for you If you can't get enough of:

  • animals,

  • science,

  • problem-solving, and

  • making a difference in the lives of animals and their people.

Nebraska Pre-Vet is a program designed to help you prepare to apply to any U.S. veterinary school accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

Getting into veterinary school is a very competitive process. We know what veterinary schools are looking for—even beyond grades and coursework. We can help you gain the knowledge and skills they value.

The Nebraska Pre-Vet advantage

From your first day on campus, Nebraska Pre-Vet (or more formally, Pre-Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln) helps you prepare for a career in veterinary medicine. As a pre-vet student, you’ll work one-on-one with an adviser who specializes in advising future veterinary students. Your adviser can help you select appropriate courses required by the veterinary school(s) you've selected and can also provide you with ideas for gaining relevant experience and developing personal qualities will help you be successful.

The Nebraska Pre-Vet program has advantages you’ll want to know about.

  • You can get a solid background to meet the requirements for any AVMA accredited veterinary school in the U.S.
  • You have the opportunity to take undergraduate courses in subjects usually only taught in veterinary school, including:
    • Histology
    • Veterinary anatomy
    • Pharmacology
    • Toxicology
  • Because the Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine, Nebraska's only veterinary school, resides on campus with undergraduate programs, we have veterinarians, veterinary scientists, and animal scientists teaching undergraduate students. This is a combination that's very rare nationally!
  • We offer one-on-one advising by individuals who have sat on veterinary school selection committees and/or who have extensive experience in what it takes to be accepted to vet school
  • You can participate in unique programs to support and enhance your education:
    • Honors Program (Nebraska is a national leader in competitive scholarship programs such as the Fulbright)
    • Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program
    • Pre-Vet Learning Community
    • Beef Scholars
  • Learn by working with real animals, not just studying about animals from books, DVDs or the internet.
  • We offer an extraordinary value. You will be well-prepared for veterinary school if you take advantage of all the opportunities at Nebraska.

What are my next steps?

It’s never too soon to explore how best to get ready for college. It’s quite appropriate to consider exploring information and visiting campuses before you're a senior in high school. You'll want to visit again during your senior year. Each time you come to campus, you’ll notice new things, and learn about new programs and people you’ll want to know.


We invite you to explore the Nebraska Pre-Vet website. We've gathered a lot of information that has been helpful to students as they explored college programs designed to help them reach their career goals. The buttons on the right will take you to information specific to two careers in veterinary medicine.


The best way to explore is to visit NEBRASKA Pre-Vet. We’ll sit down with you and help you plan your educational path with your specific interests in mind.

There are several ways to visit campus. Most students come for an individual visit called “Husker Weekdays.” We are available for a pre-vet visit nearly any day of the week. Be sure to list “Pre-Veterinary Medicine” as your academic area of interest.

One thing you’ll notice about a pre-vet campus visit: It’s not like other campus visits. We really view your pre-vet campus visit as your first advising appointment on campus. We know that if you want to go to vet school, you have a lot to do. We want to help you with the next steps that best capitalize on your interests, strengths, and career plans.

There are many other opportunities to come to campus for events and special visit days. To learn more, look for "Featured Events" on the Admissions website and "Visiting East Campus" on the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources website.

Schedule your visit


Email: Nebraska Pre-Vet

Phone: 402-472-8664

Online: Submit your question

We are always happy to talk with you (and your family), and answer questions at any point along your path to veterinary school. We look forward to talking with you soon!